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Side Dishes

  • Deconstructed Guacamole

    .     Today was one of those days when it seemed like a terrible idea to turn on the stove due to the extreme heat wave we’ve been having around here.  It got…

    June 8, 2011
  • Tomato Gojju

      Even though my family is originally from Gujarat, some of my favorite Indian comfort food is from South India.  You see, when I was a baby we lived across the street from a…

    June 3, 2011
  • Grilled Asparagus

    dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" The Lion bought me Ad Hod at Home for my birthday this past year.  It is a wonderful book by Thomas Keller, author of The French Laundry Cookbook, and Bouchon.  Keller is…

    May 27, 2011